Saturday, November 14, 2015

hello me another time natalia but now I  publish what is chemical and mechanical digestion:



Thursday, November 12, 2015

chemical and mechanical digestion

sofia quintana 

the chemical digestion take place in the mouth, stomach and small intestine. its chemical digestion because it has chemicals changings of food. its the break down of food by enzymes in the body. carbohydrates break down into sugar

the mechanical digetion is when you physical break down food into smaller units (mastication)

Mechanical and chemical digestion max centeno 1B

Mechanical digestion:Involves the physical brekdown of food.
-Mouth-teeth,tongue, and palates
-Stomach-muscular churning action of stomach
-SI-bile and peristalsis
Chemical digestion:The chemical breakdown of food (carbohydrates,fats,vitamins and minerals etc).

Mechanical and Chemical Digestion

This one begins from the mouth. It begins when the teeth cut the food. Then in the tongue it distinguishes flavors. 

Our mouth produces a chemical called saliva. Saliva is produced by your salivary glands. When the saliva moistens the food it makes it easier for you to pass the food 

By: Karla 

Chemical and mecanical Jairo

The mecanical digestión is the movement trata the mouth makes to meke essyest the process of digestion.
The chemical digestion aré the chemicals that the stomach have to digest all food in your stomach.

Mechanical & Chemical


Is all about what happens in your mouth, the movement you make when you chew the food prepares your stomach to all the food is about to get .


Chemical digestion happens during the time that the food travels all down from the esophagus  to the anus, when the nutrients get separated from the food for example: vitamins,minerals , etc.

Sofia Obeso 

Digestion divides in two parts chemical and mechanical 

 Chemical: The food have chemicals and also some parts of our body like de siliva
mechanical: our body is a mecchanical form when we open de mouth

rodolfo velderrain